Descriptive Essay on A Visit to a Historical Place | TeamWrote

 Descriptive Essay on A Visit to a Historical Place | TeamWrote

  Our school arranges a visit to historical places every year Our history teachers accompany us, explain about the historica places and tell us the stories connected with those places. Th year, our school arranged a visit to a world famous Agra to see the famous Taj Mahal.

We started our journey early morning by train and reached Agra by evening. First we went to the lodge and after some rest and refreshments, we set out to see the long awaited Taj We reached there by taxis; then walked for fifteen minutes up to the gate. It is a very big and beautiful entrance. We bought the tickets for entering inside. As soon as we entered, the Taj Mahal was in front of us. Since it was a full moon night, the monument, Taj Mahal looked so beautiful as the marble was shining in the moon light t was so wonderful to see it. The smaller domes and the four corners  minarets make the tomb appear too much amazing,  beautiful. Time stood still and we held our breath. Now we understood that why it is rated as the most beautiful building of the world.

A short essay on visit to a historical place in English

    Our teacher gave information about Taj Mahal. He said that the great Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan built it in the memory of his beloved queen Mumtaz Mahal. It is said that twenty thousand work ers worked for twenty long years to build this wonder of the world. The whole building is in white marble. The colouring of the engraved leaves and flowers on the minerals is done in such a way hat their size looks same from bottom to top. The colours have not yet faded and still look beautiful. It is a wonder of engineering. We are surprised to know that there were no colleges but even then people were clever enough to understand such engineering The area is surrounded by plush gardens with beautiful flowers. There were visitors from all over the world and almost everyone was carrying a camera. Every person was taking his or her photo graph with the background of the Taj Mahal,

A Short Paragraph on A visit to a Historical place

   The tomb of Mumtaz Mahal is at the centre under the big dome. It is also covered with engraved white marble. There is a gallery around the tomb from where we can have the view of the tomb where Queen Mumtaz is lying in peace. There is a Yamuna river behind the Taj Mahal and also a the big and famous Agra fort. King Aurangzeb had kept his father, Shah Jahan. He used to watch the Taj Mahal from there during his last days.
    There is a row of fountains from the entrance up to the Taj at the centre of the passage and green lawns everywhere with beautiful flower plants. We enjoyed everything. We were now tired and wanted to take rest so had to return to our hotel even though we wanted to be there for more time. Before returning we col lected our separate and group photographs from the photographer. We kept those beautiful photographs as a memory and left the dream building with unforgettable memories of Taj Mahal. Next day we returned to our homes by bus and then joined the schools next day.

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