We should know the facts of Why We celebrate National Science Day – Teamwrotes

Hello, Friends welcome All of You To Today’s Blog Post. Well, I’M Also A Science student, I’m Going to Tell You Exactly Why We celebrate National Science day.

Why We Celebrate National Science Day CV Raman

Why We Celebrate National Science Day CV Raman

In 1921 Famous Indian physicist CV Raman. He was on the ship. One day coming from London, when question stuck in his mind. Why the sea is blue? That sea was blue because the colour of The sky was blue. In March. 1928. He published a theory, that came to be known as “Raman scattering” or “Raman Effect“. For this CV Raman was awarded The Nobel Prize in physics. In 1930 Becoming the first Asian person. To receive this award So to celebrate the discovery of. Raman effect. National Science day is celebrated on the 28th of February.

why we celebrate national science day, CV Raman Effect

What is Raman scattering” or “Raman Effect

Raman scattering Is the change in the Wavelength of light, then occurred when the light beam is deflected by the molecule. You can see the different colours of light. When it is passed from the prism. That’s when light bends Separately into a different colour. Something like what you see in the rainbow. though The Raman effect is used to study colour. It is more expensively used in the field of Spectroscopy To find structure fingerprints of different molecules, Which means the study of  Finding why and how Molecules are different from each other. In size and Shape.


why we celebrate national science day, CV Raman Effect


The Theme of National Science Day 2023

‘Global science for global well-being’. is a new Theme of National Science Day 2023

National science day is celebrated on

National Science Day is celebrated in India on 28 February every year
28 February  2023 Tuesday.

When was National Science Day first celebrated in India?

The National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) in the year 1986.

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