Write Argumentative Essay on Benefits of Gardening | TeamWrote

 Write Argumentative Essay on Benefits of Gardening | TeamWrote

    Generally a public garden is a green and calm place that gives us coolness and happiness. It is having green plants deco rated with varieties of flowers, benches for sitting and lawns for playing. The footpaths are throughout the garden. I liked the gar dens very much in my childhood. Since then I have developed interest in gardening.
   We have a beautiful two storey Villa in our town. It is sur rounded by a open space where we have lot of fruit plants, flower plants and vegetables too. We have custard apple, papaya, lemon, tamarind, guava, chickoo, mango, smooth gourd, tomato, brinjal, chilli, curry leaves, big daisy, jasmine, coral tree, marigold and rose flower around our bungalow. We also had jujube tree giving us many sweet fruits, but it spread everywhere so we had to cut it cown. There are varieties of money plants and some other plants with beautiful big green leaves.
     It is very interesting to do gardening. It gives so much plea sure to me. Everyday I water them and take care whether any of the plant is drying. I do trimming whenever it is required. It gives hem good look and shape and they start growing in branches. I remove weeds and clean old fallen leaves from around the plants. tis very interesting to see them growing, flowering and bearing futs. I have lot of fruits from them so, we don’t need to buy any from the market. We have vegetables too and hardly need to buy any. We all sit in our small garden and chitchat. Sometimes we play cards or chess.
     Some people have various hobbies like collecting stamps, wings from the newspaper, collecting records of old songs and 30 on. But no other hobby gives more happiness than gardening. Other hobbies are expensive and there is no use or benefit at all. Hother hobbies require money to be spent for stamps or records Teenery and natural beauty. So, I am very happy with my hobby of but in gardening and ending. on the other hand you get benefit of fruits, flowers, greenary and natural beauty . So , i am very happy with my hobby of gardening.

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