Best 10 Lines on Bhagat Singh for Students and Children in English – TeamWrotes

 Best 10 Lines on Bhagat Singh for students and Children in English – TeamWrotes

      Sardar Bhagat Singh was the pioneer of armed revolution in India’s freedom struggle. He is glorified in the words ‘Merumani of Indian revolutionaries’. Sardar Bhagat Singh was one of the great patriots who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of India.

      India is said to have achieved its independence in a completely non-violent way under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, but many revolutionaries, believing in the path of armed revolution for Indian independence, took a stance of open struggle against the British rule. These revolutionaries were prepared for self-sacrifice and created an ideal of supreme sacrifice before their countrymen for the achievement of their goals, therefore, the revolutionary work carried out by the revolutionaries here played an important role in the Indian independence along with the non-violent movement, it cannot be forgotten. Sardar Bhagat Singh was born on September 28, 1907 in Banga, a village near Lahore in Punjab. His entire family was famous as revolutionaries. Sardar Bhagat Singh was born on September 28, 1907 in Banga, a village near Lahore in Punjab. His entire family was famous as revolutionaries. Bhagat Singh’s father Kisan Singh was at the forefront of many movements. He also served imprisonment for the country. ‘Bhagat Singh’s father Kisan Singh was at the forefront of many movements. He also served imprisonment for the country. Ajit Singh, one of Bhagat Singh’s cousins, was sentenced to exile along with Lala Lajpatrai and placed in Manda Jail. Another cousin of Bhagat Singh, Swarn Singh, was also imprisoned by the British for his participation in the freedom movement. Bhagat Singh was educated at Dayanand Anglo Vedic School, Lahore. While studying in this school, he was inculcated with nationalist ideas.          

     Twelve-year-old Bhagat Singh also participated. Later in 1920, Mahatma Gandhi started the Non-Cooperation Movement. As per Gandhiji’s order, Bhagat Singh left school and joined this movement. After Mahatma Gandhi withdrew the non-cooperation movement, Bhagat Singh started going to school again. After completing his schooling, he joined the National College, Lahore. This is where he got acquainted with Sukhdev. 

     Bhagat Singh and his colleagues founded ‘Naujwan Bharat Sabha’ in 1925 while studying in college. The objective of this organization was to destroy the British rule in India and establish a republic of peasants and workers and create a society free from exploitation. Sardar Bhagat Singh was influenced by Marxism right from his college life, so he had in mind the goal of establishing a state of farmers and workers. His Naujwan Sabha had two slogans – ‘Inkilab Zindabad’ and ‘Hindustan Zindabad’. After this, Bhagat Singh tried to increase the scope of his work. For this he contacted revolutionaries in cities like Delhi, Kanpur etc. outside Lahore. It was from this that he got acquainted with the workers of the Hindustan Republican Association. It was this organization that had planned the conspiracy and looted the train containing the government treasury. The government caught the revolutionaries involved in this conspiracy and sentenced them to death, but Chandrashekhar Azad, the mastermind of the conspiracy, was not caught by the government. Due to the Kakori conspiracy, the revolutionary leaders were closely monitored. Therefore Bhagat Singha had to go underground for some time. However, they your However, the work was not interrupted. During this period, his Chandrasekhar Azad Met with him. In 1928 Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Delhi, Rajasthan, of prominent revolutionaries from parts of Bihar etc. in Khandhar village near Delhi A meeting was held. In this meeting one of the representatives of revolutionaries from all provinces A central committee was formed. Also a new organization of revolutionaries It was established and named as ‘Hindustan Socialist Republican Association’.

Avenging the killing of

Lalaji – to give some reforms to India

   In 1927, the British government appointed the Simon Commission for this purpose. But all the seven members of this commission were British. There was no Indian in it, so the Indian National Congress decided to boycott the Simon Commission. Demonstrations against this commission took place in several cities in India The protests against this commission in Lahore city were led by veteran Congress leader Lala Lajpatrai. On that occasion, the police attacked the protestors with inhuman batons, Lala Lajpatrai was severely injured in the baton-attack and subsequently died. The death of Lalaji created a wave of anger all over the country. The Hindustan Socialist Republican Association decided to avenge Lalaji’s murder. A plan was hatched to kill the officer, Scott, who caused Lalaji’s death. Bhagat Singh, Chandrasekhar Azad, Rajguru and Jaigopal were selected for this work.

     It was decided to introduce two bills in the Central Legislature. Yes Bills were designed to limit the rights of working class and common people. Government oppression would get a lot of scope because of it. So the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association decided to protest these bills in a revolutionary way. Accordingly, when the Trade Dispute Bill was being presented in the Legislative Assembly, Sardar Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt detonated a bomb in the House. This was the content of the leaflets thrown in the hall by the revolutionaries on the occasion of this bomb blast

“We were forced to make a loud noise so that even the deaf could hear. In this way, we are protesting the government’s oppression of the Hindi people, the killing of a revered leader like Lala Lajpat Rai. A person can be killed, but thoughts cannot be killed. Even great empires perish in the attempt to destroy thought.

In fact, when the bomb exploded in the hall, the entire hall was filled with smoke. There was confusion everywhere. People started running away. For some time no one understood what exactly had happened. Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt could have easily slipped out of the hall amid the commotion, but both of them remained there chanting slogans of ‘Inkilab Zindabad’ and ‘Long Live the Revolution’ as they wanted to “tell our countrymen and the whole world why we are doing all this”. Bhagat Singh opined that we are getting a famous opportunity on this occasion, we should make full use of it. So it handed itself over to the police.

Subsequently, Bhagat Singh and his associates were prosecuted by the government on various charges. In the first trial, he was accused of throwing a bomb in the Legislative Assembly. Bhagatsingani told the court, “We accept the charge of throwing the bomb in the auditorium, we are proud of our act. But killing people was not our aim. We do not hate any person. On the contrary, human life is very sacred to us. 

We are advocates of scientific socialism. Our revolution is against the exploitation of man by man. Our revolution is against the enslavement of man by man. So we are against the English power.

Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt were sentenced to life imprisonment in this case. After that, a second Lahore Conspiracy trial was held against a total of fourteen revolutionaries including Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru. The trial was about Sanders’ murder. At this time all these revolutionaries were in prison. There the government started treating them like common criminals. Against that all revolutionaries started food satyagraha. Jatindranath Das died on the 63rd day of his fast. This food-satyagraha of the revolutionaries turned public opinion all over the country against the government. There was a great fascination about the revolutionaries everywhere. The fast of Bhagat Singh and

Batukeshwar Dutt

continued for eighty

one days. Finally, even

the stubborn British

government was forced to retreat before the determination of the revolutionaries. He accepted the demands

of the revolutionaries.

   Ever since Bhagat Singh and his colleagues were arrested, the names of these revolutionaries were being discussed in every corner of the country. The people of India started showering love on him. This is the rise of revolutionaries

Seeing the popularity, the British government also took a leap. The government feared that the hearing of the Lahore Conspiracy Case would once again give Bhagat Singh and his colleagues a lot of publicity and increase their popularity, so the government conducted the case in secret, setting all the signs and principles on the ground. In this case, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were convicted and sentenced to death, while six persons namely Shivvarma Kishorilal, Gaya Prasad, Jaydev Kapur, Vijay Kumar Sinha, Mahaveer Singh and Kamalapati Tiwari were sentenced to life imprisonment. On March 23, 1931, the three great revolutionaries Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were hanged. They faced death smiling while chanting ‘Inkilab Zindabad’.

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