Essay My Responsibility To My Family in English | TeamWrote

 Essay My Responsibility To My Family in English 500 Words

Hello, Friends welcome to our today’s blog post. Today’s topic is My Responsibility to my family. This topic is one of the most asked in the exam. It is very too easy to express everything about our family. So let’s get started with today’s topic.


    There are five members in my family; my mother, my family my sister, my brother, and of course, myself. We all live with her in our bungalow. Everybody loves each other. My family provides me with everything. I feel lucky to be a part of such a family. I never face any problem getting anything required for me. Therefore that I should also help my family members.

Short Essay on my Family

I have a beautiful family. I adore all my family members… There are five members in my family. It includes me, my father, and – my mother, my brother my sister

My father is a great doctor and my mother is a teacher. They both care and love me. I study in class 9. My brother is in class 8 and my sister is in grade 7. They are very talented at studying.

All my family members, respect, care for and love others. My family goes for a picnic once Like a month. Except for my father, we take our evening. meal together. My family supports me in becoming a good person- My family has unity. I am very proud of my happy

What are my responsibilities towards my family?

    I am a student of XII standard; preparing for the HSC examination next year, so it is my duty to study hard. If I secure good marks, I can become an engineer and will be able to fulfill the expectations of my parents. This way my family will be proud of me.
    My father is the only person earning for my family. He works hard to meet the expenses and my mother looks after our home.
  She prepares food, washes our clothes, does all domestic work, and maintains our house. My younger sister studies in standard VIII She is silent but active, and good in her studies. She always gets 2nd or 3rd rank in her class.

My Family is my Happiness essay

      Many people might think of their relationships with friends and family when asked to describe the one thing in their lives that makes them the happiest. But have you ever thought that your happiness might also come from other relationships? It’s my family for me. I don’t only refer to my parents, my brother, his girlfriend, and my sister, who make up my immediate family. No, I also refer to the extended family.
We all play a significant role in one another’s lives, whether it be my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, or even great-aunts and uncles. We spend all of our best holiday moments together. We are aware of one another’s triggers. When one of us is upset, the other can tell.

Why is responsibility important in a family?

    I think, I too have some responsibilities towards my family besides doing well in my studies. One of my main responsibility is that I should never upset them by behaving rudely or getting angry with anybody, on the other hand, I should help my family members I should do the jobs like buying vegetables and groceries. I should help my younger sister with her studies. I always help my father in whatever work he is doing. I assist him when repairing tube lights, fixing nails, painting the walls, or watering the plants. I also wash our scooter and car. I iron my clothes myself. I also learn many things this way.

My Duties Towards my Family 10 Lines

  •   I should help my family members whenever there is some function like birthday, Diwali or celebrations like a party after get ting the prize or promotion.
  • I should also help during the sickness of family members and stand by during periods of tension and strain
  •  I should not mind making some adjustments or sacrifices in critical times.
  • As I grow my responsibility will also develop and I have to do more as per the demand of the situation like working and earning and caring for my parents.
  •  I should not forget their deeds for me and I must do everything to help my family.
  • It is through the co-operation of all members only that family can be kept united and progressing.
  •  This will make everyone happy and satisfied and in turn, we will lead a peaceful and happy life.

I love my family Essay

      There are six people in my family: my mother, father, grandmother, younger sister, and grandfather. Both of us were loved and spoiled by my parents. My family is also incredibly supportive of all we do. In addition, just as every youngster has hopes and aspirations, so do we. Additionally, not everyone has the good fortune to have their family provide for them. However, I am fortunate enough to have the full support of my family.

What is your duty towards our parents and teachers

      The best duty towards our parents and teachers is respect. Because Respect is most important,


  • our duties and responsibilities towards my family
  • my responsibility towards my family
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