Essay on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti in English 1000 Words| TeamWrotes

 Essay on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti in English 1000 Words| TeamWrotes

     Mahatma Gandhi’s full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was born in AD. He was born in 1860 at Porbandar in the state of Gujarat.. Gandhiji’s father was the Diwan of Porbandar and Rajkot. Gandhi got married at the age of twelve as per the custom of the time. A.D. He passed the matriculation examination in 1887. He then left for England in 1888 to take the barrister’s examination. After completing a three-year course there, he became a barrister and returned to India in 1891. After coming home, he initially started practicing in Rajkot. Then he soon migrated to Mumbai. He got chance to go to South Africa as a lawyer of an Indian company.

    Many Indians were settled in South Africa for work. But they lived in very bad and unjust conditions…Many conditions and restrictions were imposed on them. They were also denied basic civil rights. In 1906, South Africa The white regime in Africa passed the oppressive law ‘Asiatic Registration Act’ which dishonored the Asians. According to the provisions of this act, they forced the Asians in South Africa to register themselves and put their thumbs on the registration papers. Gandhiji called Satyagraha against this black law. He took the initiative. Next is the often used weapon of Satyagraha . Gene’s first experiment in South Africa was a success. The South African government had to withdraw this law.

Essay on Rajarshi Mahatma Gandhi 150 words for kids

    World War I started in Europe. Gandhiji took the stand of all cooperation to the British government,but the British people
were silently watching the exploitation of the laborers in the blue plantations run by the
European planters in Champaranya district in Bihar. Against that
Gandhiji fought in 1917. After that In 1918, he did Satyagraha to solve the problem of farmers in Kheda district of Gujarat. Due to this Satyagraha, the people of India came to know Gandhiji. A.D. Around 1920, Gandhiji became the leader of the Indian freedom movement. From there Gandhi led the movement until India
became independent in 1947. This period is called ‘Gandhi Yug‘. During this period, three movements, the Non-Cooperation Movement of 1920, the Civil Disobedience Movement of 1930 and the Chale-Jaw Movement of 1942 became historic.

Simple Essay on Mahatma Gandhi  200 Words

      Gandhiji played a lion’s share in getting Indian independence.
India became independent on August 15, 1947. But Gandhi was not lucky enough to live in independent India for long. Because 30 January 1948 was the day that ended his life. On the same day, a headman named Nathuram Godse shot at him and Gandhiji met his unfortunate end.
But because of his conduct and thoughts,Gandhiji is still unsurpassed even today, his unmatchable ability to lead a person forward in personal life and the nation in national life, his thoughts in all political,social, cultural and personal fields – in fluid thoughts, his thoughts had a great and deep impact on the Indian people. was Inspired by his thoughts, common people also participated in the freedom struggle from time to time. Thousands of patriots were ready to sacrifice their country for their word.   
 Even today, India’s
values, political, social
etc. Gandhiji’s thoughts
are the foundation of the
principles and thought
system. The principles
and values in Gandhij’s
thoughts give inner
strength to the individual
vand the nation.
Gandhiji was the
first to assert that
the complementary
principles of
non-violence and truth
should be adopted in
personal life as much
as in political matters.
Using satyagraha as a
weapon based on these
principles, he made
political movements
successful through
non-violent means. For
that, they adopted ways
of satyagraha such
as civil disobedience,
boycott, government
disobedience, hunger
strike, dharna etc.
Truth and non-violence
are the foundation of
Gandhiji’s thoughts.
However, Gandhi did not
mean non-violence for
the weak. According
to him, non-violence
is the best quality of
a hero. Not a coward.
Gandhiji considered
truth as the goal and
non-violence as the
means to achieve it. He
gave equal importance
to both these principles.
He strongly believed that
even enemies can be
converted into friends by
changing hearts through
loving and tolerant
Gandhi also emphasized on resourcefulness. He said that the means of conveying the elevated and noble simple should also be ethical and of high quality. Recognising that India’s villages are
the lifeblood of India,
Gandhi emphasized rural
development. He said
that every village should
be economically and
politically self-sufficient.
For that, he insisted on
the development of small
scale industries, cottage
industries. He said that
the villagers should never
leave the village and go
to the city.
Gandhi raised his voice against the undesirable social norms of the time.
    They consider the practice of untouchability as stigma. He strongly opposed that practice.
His constructive
programs of social
reform, untouchability,
women’s education,
communal unity, adult
education, etc. became
a part of the national
movement itself. He
founded the ‘Harijan
Sevak Sangh’ which
worked for the removal
of untouchability in AD.
Established in 1933. He
started a weekly called ‘Harijan’ to arouse public opinion on this question. Inspired by Gandhiji’s thoughts, many activists took up the cause of
Even in the personal
life of man, Gandhi
ji established the
principles of values.
Study, idealism,
character development,
devotion and patience,
benevolence, faith,
love, prayer, devotion,
mercy, brotherhood,
forbearance, humility,
regularity, cleanliness,
righteousness, diet and
health, absence of anger and forgiveness are all aspects of a person. He consistently advocated diverse values that lead to development.
Gandhiji also taught the
values of patriotism,
pantheism and sacrifice.
Gandhiji himself lived a
very simple life. Clothes as per need, as simple as necessary for body. sattvic diet, Vratnishta, Satyanishta, these were the characteristics
of their living,
Greatness, elevation,
subtlety, fluidity and
were the characteristics
of his powerful and
persuasive thoughts.
‘First done then said’
was the hallmark of his
actions and words. With
all these characteristics,
a supreme ideal of a man
of the age was created
in the form of Mahatma
Gandhi, the father of
the nation. This ideal will
continue to guide the
individual and the nation
like a lamppost…

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