Top 10 MCQ Of Physical Chemistry | Teamwrote

 Top 10 MCQ  Of Physical Chemistry | Teamwrote

1. When there are no external forces, the shape of a liquid drop is determined by 
(a) Surface tension of the liquid
(b) Density of liquid
(e) Viscosity of liquid
(d) Temperature of air only
2. Choose the wrong statement from the following 
(a) Small droplets of a liquid are spherical due to surface
 (b) Oil rises through the wick due to capillarity
(c) In drinking the cold drinks through a straw, we use the phenomenon of capillarity
(d) Gum is used to stick two surfaces. In this process we use the property of adhesion
3. When the angle of contact between a solid and a liquid is 90°, then
 (a) Cohesive force> Adhesive force
(a) Home
(b) Rever
(c) Irreversible
(d) Hete
9. A dilation
(a) Tra
(b) Tri
(c) Eu
(d) Al
(b) Cohesive force < Adhesive force
(c) Cohesive force = Adhesive force (d) Cohesive force >> Adhesive force
10. The
4. Rain drops are spherical in shape because of
(a) Surface tension
(b) Capillary
(c) Downward motion (d) Acceleration due to gravity
(a) E
(b) C
11. Pic
12, “p
5. Ammonia has a net dipole moment while ride has zero dipole moment because
boron trifluo
(a) Fluorides is more electronegative
(b) Fluorides is more electronegative
(c) Boron trifluoride is pyramidal in shape while NH, is planar (d) NH, is pyramidal in shape while BF, is planar
6. The SO, consists of a central sulphur atom with four equivalent oxygen atoms. What should be the inter nal O-S-O bond angle be
(b) 9°
(d) 117
(a) 6°
(c) 109.5°
(c) 1 M HC1 and 0.2 MH,SO, (d) 005 M HC1 and 0.1 MH,SO,
Which of the following includes all the aims of
kinetics? (0) To measure the rate of reaction
(1) To be able to predict the rate of a reaction
(i) To be able to establish the mechanism by which
reaction occurs
(v) To be able to control a reaction
(b) i and ii
(d) i. ii, in and iv
(a), il and in
(c) and in
23. For first order reaction the rate constant K, has the
(b) Time
(d) Time.mol L
(a) 1 mol (c) (Mol/L)
24. Thermodynamics is applicable for
(a) Microscopic system (b) Macroscopic system
(e) Heterogenous system (d) Homogenous system
25. A system in which no thermal energy pass into or out
of the system is called
(a) Adiabatic System (b) Open System (c) Closed System (d) Reversible System
26. An alfa particle is (a) An electron
(b) One neutron and one proton
(c) Two protons and two neutrons (d) An X-ray emission
27. In a Geiger Muller counter, one count is directly due to
(a) A secondary electron (b) A primary electron
(c) Many electron and ions
(d) A beta particle

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