Essay on Environmental Pollution in English 150 words | TeamWrotes

 Short Essay on Pollution in English

  Today we are living in 21st Century, but still we don’t have any calmness, because pollution is increasing everywhere. Pollution and population are increasing in large amount but trees are decreasing. So This There is a lot of suffering for young children as well as sick people and elderly people.In City there are so many pollutions , Too much types of Diseases increasing. Because of this horrible pollution you can’t even get a good night’s sleep. 

Write Paragraph on Environmental Pollution

 There are various types of big problems are increasing because of pollutions. There are too much dangerous for everyone likes living things as well as non living things. If whenever any toxic chemicals increased by any pollution there are some patients will too serious. There are only three types of pollution . which is given below.
1. Air Pollution
2. Water pollution
3. Noise Pollution
   Environmental are biggest aspects to human beings , so we should take care about it. 
Natural Atmosphere is very essential to human beings. To live healthy. Pollution are destroying our health, it means Increasing big problems , and increasing natural issues.

Air Pollution Essay in English 100 Words

   Increase of air pollution there are one of the most reason is Industry, and old vehicle are increasing air pollution. If we want to stop pollution so we must lean disciplines. Then the any types of pollutants will control.we should apply strictly rules apply for factory and industries. We should stop cut down trees and must start increase trees our surroundings.means increase plantation.

300 Words Essay on pollution

     An overwhelming amount of pollution in India originates from industrial activities. Pollution from domestic and industrial activities makes the environment heavily polluted. This includes incineration of garbage, operation of factories with toxic waste, transport of fuel by diesel vehicles, domestic waste burning, deforestation, dust and gaseous emissions from automobiles, factories, power plants, etc. Even in modern times, the presence of domestic pollution is the most significant source of pollution in India. With more than a billion people, India also suffers from a huge population. Every person produces around 9,000 liters of human waste a day, which is too much for cities to handle. In India, most people lack toilets and defecate in the open. In 2014 alone, about 500 million Indians defecated in the open. 

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